Empowering Creatives to be Entrepreneurs

We are passionate about cultivating a diverse, equitable environment for all creatives through education and dialogue. G.E.M. Creative is a space to learn business practices, leadership skills, and develop strategies for long-term success in a way that's complementary to how you create. We want to grow with you as you have the hard conversations and celebrate the victories.

A. Clarke Metalsmith, started out as an ode to a pair of best friends and their alter egos from high school, Trixie & Stella. It was inspired by the lives they now lead, a mom of many who didn't always have time to switch out jewelry, and a single professional who was looking for something a little more flirty. Now, A. Clarke Metalsmith’s work is inspired by the strong humans who surround her. When creating she pays attention to the person’s habits, occupation, family life, and how they wear jewelry. She then embodies all of that into the jewelry she creates. Designing like this allows her to stay connected to the most important people in her life. A. Clarke wants to be your everyday elegance.

How do these two intersect? Since G.E.M. Creative focuses on empowering creatives to be entrepreneurs and A. Clarke focuses on making and selling a physical product, they work together symbiotically to inform one another and to practice what is preached. They are “Yes, and’s…” focused on debunking the idea of a “side hustle” and showing multiple forms of income can exist in the same vein.


Our Services

We offer one-on-one consulting, mentoring, facilitating through business development strategies, leadership training, and organizational structure. We also host workshops, boot camps, and a class series focusing on the Entrepreneurial Mindset.

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What Is Organizational Structure?

Organizational structure is a system that outlines how your business and certain activities are directed, creating an organized flow to achieve your business or nonprofit goals. It also determines how information moves through the different levels of communication, production, and customer satisfaction.

A.Clarke Metalsmith

Doing is as important as teaching at G.E.M. Creative. Our founder, Alaina Clarke, is a metalsmith who creates elegant and subtle jewelry inspired by the lifestyles of those close to her. In continuing her craft she hopes to lead by example in running a business and staying current with trends, practices, and makers.

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“It’s okay to not know everything. Curiosity is a beautiful thing.

Morgan Harper Nichols